Grit: Your Guide to Mental Toughness

By Cara Sherice

“Grit is passion and perseverance for very long term goals. Grit is having stamina. Grit is sticking with your future, day-in, and day-out. Not just for the month, not just for the week, but for years. And working really hard to make that future a reality. Grit is living life like a marathon, not a sprint.” - Dr. Angela Lee Duckworth

When I think of the word grit, I think of having the strength and stamina to endure extreme situations for a greater and more fulfilling outcome. It’s a growth mindset adopted by those who are resilient and determined to move the needle in any area of their life. Most of what I have achieved in my life thus far, has stemmed from a relentless pursuit to make my desire my reality and a belief so strong it has no choice but to manifest. By no means am I suggesting that throughout the process i haven’t been scared or nervous moving into some areas of my life, but grit has allowed me to have a growth mindset that has equipped me with the tools and strategies to deal with any setbacks or failures. It forces me to ask myself…”how can i do this differently”, “what do I need to change to get the desired outcome”, rather than thinking of reasons or excuses around why something can’t be done.

Grit isn’t just another fancy motivating word, it really is powerful and vital for achieving long-term success. There is power in dedication and perseverance which is scientifically proven by University of Pennsylvania psychologist Angela Duckworth, who believes grit comes down to two things: passion and perseverance for long-term goals. In order for us to see the success we dream of unfold before our eyes, we need to be relentless in our pursuit and have a belief that our business and ideas WILL become the reality we strive to achieve. When you have grit, you’re not working because someone has forced you to, but because you know deep in the pit of your belly that the work you are doing is every bit worth your dedication.

This type of work ethic is grounded in a deep purpose that is bigger than motivating factors such as fame, cars, money, and rewards...but rather rooted in a self-belief that will wake you up every morning pushing through setbacks and failures until you figure it out. This type of mindset will allow you to see opportunity rather than an obstacle, always looking for more ways to learn, evaluate, and asses while keeping the purpose of your business close to your heart...pushing and pulling you forward.

How to Grow Your Grit

Now that we’ve helped you to understand the value of grit, it’s time to get down to how to acquire it and apply it! Sis, it’s in your passion and your perseverance which all comes down to these simple mantras (you know we love a good mantra):

  1. “I don’t wait for my passion to just fall out of the sky and hit me on the head; i go out and i seek it OR develop it” - If we’re examining grit and it boils down to passion and perseverance then the most obvious next step would be to find your passion. Find your passion, discover it, or develop it. How do you do that, you might ask. The answer is simple, you get out and explore, try new things, indulge in new experiences, meet new people, and actively seek out what sets your soul on fire. (P.S. We have a whole community designed to help you with that in the PrettiPassionate Insider Network.)

  2. “This isn’t my job; it’s my calling” - When we attach our life and our work to something bigger than us...we begin to see life through a whole new lens. Grit isn’t just about putting in hard work. It’s about going deeper and finding meaning in what you’re doing and why you’re doing it. When you have a deep belief that your work matters it is the driving force that will help you persevere through some extreme situations, develop new habits, build momentum, and give you the motivation necessary to see your dreams unfold. Please know that purpose doesn’t happen overnight, you have to actively seek meaning. (if you are wondering how to do that, reach out to us...we have the tools to help you on this journey).

  3. “Hope isn’t something i’s my weapon” - If you have grit then you have a whole new level of hope. Your hope is based on drive and your determination to MAKE things happen, verses it being something that happens out of luck. “I have a feeling today will be a good day” is a lot different from “I will make today a good day”. Having a level of hope that you can use as your weapon as you’re working towards a long-term goal is understanding that challenges will arise, obstacles, and failure will’s a part of the journey. But by embracing these setbacks you can look at them through a lens as a learning opportunity that will strengthen you and give you the ability to cultivate even greater success.

As you can see grit plays a major part in this journey of building a passionate life and without it talent is nothing more than wasted ability. If you want to see massive results first focus all of your energy on cultivating the dedication, perseverance, and passion that you need to really bring forth some successful outcomes in your life. Once you put these wheels in motion your dreams will be in sight faster than you might believe.