What story will you tell when this crisis is over?

You still have time to make this your greatest life ever.

There has been an incredible shift happening in our world. Our communities have changed, our jobs have changed, our churches and culture as a whole have completely shifted into something brand new.

My belief is that this is a time for us to take a look within. To reevaluate and see clearer than ever before….OURSELVES.

A time for us to question where we placed our priorities, how can we show up differently and how to make better use of the time we have left.

This is HISTORY. We are all experiencing something that will forever be discussed even after we’ve left this earth. So, as a woman on a mission, what needs to happen for you to SHOW UP like never before during this season?

What kind of story do you want to be telling your children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren?

What kind of mark will this have on your life and personal assignment?